The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recently released the world’s first active shooter/hostile event response (ASHER) standard. This consensus-based standard provides holistic guidance on community planning as well as active shooter/hostile event response and event recovery. NFPA 3000™ (PS) is multi-dimensional and addresses topics such as: identifying hazards and assessing vulnerabilities; resource management; command level incident management; competencies for first responders; and post-incident recovery.
The scope of the standard is as follows:
The scope of this standard is limited to the necessary functions and actions related to preparedness, response, and recovery from an active shooter/hostile event response (ASHER). This standard applies to any community, authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), facility, and member of any organization who responds to or prepares for ASHER incidents.
The standard’s Table of Contents can be found here.
The Technical Committee that developed NFPA 3000™ (PS), the Cross Functional Emergency Preparedness and Response Committee, is comprised of a broad base of subject matter experts from a variety of disciplines. The membership of the Technical Committee can be found here.
NFPA 3000™ (PS) can be purchased from the NFPA here. The NFPA also has a six (6) hour online training course available: NFPA 3000 (PS): Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response; Plan, Respond, Recover Program Specialist Online Training. The training can be purchased from NFPA here.
Professionals involved in ASHER planning will find NFPA 3000™ (PS) a useful reference tool.